Addicted gamers played videogames 24 hours a week, twice as much as casual gamers. Some addicted gamers even steal to support their habit, according to the findings that wi...
5. It will surely keep you addicted to it. 你要是看的话,也一定会“中毒”上瘾。 6. I cannot stop watching the show! 我一直想看,根本停不下来! 7. Why is it so funny? I'm laugh...
6. I’m addicted to Taobao. 我是淘宝的重度用户,也就说传说中的剁手族。 瘾这个字现在有点负面词汇的意思,其实我觉得倒不尽然,如果一个人对生活上瘾,那么他更有可能创造更多美好,过得...